Creating Learning Path Courses in DEVOS

Creating Learning Path Courses in DEVOS

NOTE: A user or a Team Share the user is a member of must have Learning Path privileges assigned to their DEVOS account in order to create and manage Learning Path courses. For more information, search for Privileges in the support knowledge base.   

One optional feature of DEVOS that can be added to any server is the ability to create Learning Path courses. A learning path course is a series of lessons that can be assigned to users allowing the tracking of the user's progress as they go through the lessons in the course. Lessons in a Learning Path course can be made up of a series of the following types of content:
  1. On-demand videos
  2. Images
  3. Documents
  4. A series of questions (quiz)
  5. Either one video on-demand, image, or document with one or more questions
Each lesson in the Learning Path course has a point value assigned to it so that any user who completes that lesson will be assigned that number of points. If the lesson is a series of questions or quiz, each question is assigned a certain number of points, and the total points assigned to the user is the sum of all the questions answered correctly according to each question's point value. The overall course, then, will have a total point value of the sum of all the points assigned to all of the lessons. When creating the course, a percentage of the total number of points can then be assigned to the course to establish the pass/fail point for any user taking the course.

Creating a Learning Path Course

To create a Learning Path Course, follow these steps:
  1. Click on Manage Course under Learning Path in the DEVOS Admin Portal.
    Manage course
  2. Click on Add New Course to open the course creation wizard.
  3. Give the course a title so that you can identify the course in the future.
  4. Add at least one lesson to the new Learning Path course. Each lesson has the following characteristics:
    1. The name or title of the lesson.
    2. The total points for completing that lesson (in the case of a series of questions, this will be calculated automatically by the sum of all the question points).
    3. A checkbox to determine whether the user is allowed to skip this lesson.
    4. A checkbox to determine whether the user is allowed to go back to the previous lesson.
    5. The duration of time the user has to complete this lesson.
    6. A checkbox to determine whether the duration timer is shown to the user.
    7. If the lesson is a video, image, or document, select or create the appropriate content accordingly (see below for creating a series of questions).
  5. If appropriate, select another Learning Path course that must be completed as a prerequisite to taking this course.
    Prerequisite courses
  6. Set the course options as follows:
    Course options
    1. Can Repeat Course - Set whether the user can repeat the course more than once.
    2. Allow Guest - Set whether guests can take the course without logging in to DEVOS.
    3. Total Points - The Total Points will calculate automatically from the total of all the lesson points.
    4. Pass Score - Determine what percentage of points the user must earn to successfully pass the course.
    5. Course Expire - Set the expiration date and time after which no user can take the course. 
      NOTE: An expired course is not deleted, but simply becomes inaccessible to users. To allow users to take the course again in the future, simply update the Course Expire date and time to allow renewed access.
  7. (Optional) If appropriate, assign the Learning Path course to a channel or multiple channels by selecting the channel(s) and moving it/them over to the selected channels window.
    Channel assignment
  8. Click the Save Course button to save the new Learning Path course.

Creating Questions in Learning Path

A question playlist (or quiz) can be added as a standalone lesson or as a part of a lesson with a video, image, or document. Whichever it is, the steps to create the questions are as follows:
  1. Enter the question (all Learning Path questions are multiple choice).
  2. Enter at least two answers (such as true or false) up to a maximum of four answers.
  3. Select which answer is the correct answer.
  4. Enter the number of points the user receives for answering this question correctly.
  5. Enter a hint to assist the user in answering the question (optional).
  6. Click Add to add the question to the question playlist.
  7. If appropriate, follow the first six steps above to add additional questions.
    Add the question
  8. Once added, the question(s) will be shown in a list below the Add button, and each one can be edited or removed.
    List of questions
Once you have added a course such as the question playlist above, either add additional lessons from the Add New Lesson window or click Save Course to commit the changes to the Learning Path course.

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