DEVOS V 3.10 and above supports IR Remote Control of 3rd party devices. Using this function, you can control power to TV's, change the channel on a Cable-TV box, etc. This is a very useful function to turn on/off TV's, projectors, and other devices as desired.
To configure IR Remote Control, follow these steps:
1) Install the DV IR Control software on a Soft Top Box or any Windows computer.
2) Connect the IR Controller device to that computer's USB port or RS-232 port
3) Program the IR Controller with a device code by selecting "Search". When the controlled device is turned off, select "Stop Search" and note the discovered device code (e.g. device code 240).
4) Log in to DEVOS as admin and select Remote Controls.
5) Select Add New Remote Control and enter a Remote Control Name, Device Name, and the code you discovered in step 3, Select Save Device.
6) On the Remote Control page, select the device name and note the device ID.
7) Enter this ID in the DV IR Control software.
To control one or more devices, select the devices you wish to control from the box on the left and add them to the box on the right. Then select Power, Set Channel, or Mute (function depends on the controlled device, for example Cable-TV boxes may not support mute). To select all devices, use the >> button.
- You can use the same ID at multiple remotes. For example, the IR remote in room 1, room 2, and room 3 can all be set to use the same ID so that when you select power, all devices toggle power.
- There may be up to 30 seconds of delay from the time you select a control function until that function is implemented by a remote device. Be patient.
- Remote control requires an optional "Spitfire 3" device (available from Discover Video or 3rd parties) at each remote control location. This is a small box that connects to a computer via USB or RS-232. The device includes a IR emitter that can be afixed to the IR sensor of the controlled device (e.g. a TV or Cable-TV box).
DEVOS ---> PC or Soft Top Box ---> Spitfire 3 ----> TV IR Sensor
- Power control for all IR devices is a toggle. This means that each time you change power setting, the controlled device changes state: if it was on it turns off, and if it was off it turns on. It is not possible for the system to know the prior state, so if someone manually turns power on and you issue a remote power command with the intent of turning something on, you may in fact be turning it off.