You can schedule DEVOS to record live streams from a schedule. Download the DEVOS Record Scheduler program and install it on a PC.
In the lower left of the program, enter your DEVOS address (including "http://") and your DEVOS admin username and password. The stream you will record must be yours; that is, it must appear in your DEVOS live stream admin page when you log in to DEVOS as an admin.
To enter values in the schedule, double-click on a cell, edit the values, then press Enter to save the value in that cell.
Enter the title of the stream you wish to record exactly as it appears on the DEVOS page. In the example shown, there is a live stream called "History Channel". Enter the date and time for starting and ending the recording. The start and end time must be in the future. Enter the VoD title and description.
Optionally, select "Run Daily" or "Run Weekdays" for recurring schedule.
Select the "Run Schedule" checkbox to start the schedule. Each schedule line will show status "Pending", "Past", "Active", "Complete" or "Error".
- The scheduler must be running for events to start and stop. If you close the program during a recording, the recording will continue up to the maximum recording time configured by the DEVOS Super Admin.
- You may edit the .csv file directly using notepad or similar, or by pressing "Open/Edit" button. The values will be obvious.
- Add as many rows as desired
- The maximum recording time is configured by the DEVOS Super Admin. For example, if that is set to 60 minutes and you schedule a recording for 90 minutes, only 60 minutes will record.
- Your video is listed as "NEW". You may log in and adjust the title, description, etc.
- Select Save to save a schedule, and Load to load a schedule
- You record live streams that DEVOS delivers, but not streams that are from an independent live URL
- An error status is usually because the Title of the live stream is not correct, or the admin username/password is wrong